Kapampangan lady confronts man in PUV for harassment

It was an uncomfortable off-to-work ride for a woman from Pampanga after her co-passenger in a public utility vehicle (PUV) took some videos and photos aiming at her legs last February 15.

According to Bela Angela, she was riding a jeepney bound to Dau, Pampanga at around 4:00 a.m. when she confronted the man facing her seat to give her his phone apparently used for lasciviousness.

 “[In Filipino] He denied it but I insisted to get his phone to see if he really recorded a video,” she said on a facebook post which gained 20,000 reactions and 8,600 shares. “But when he fell from his seat, one of us saw him deleting some photos which pissed other passengers.”

She reported the incident at Dau Police Station 2 and upon investigation, the cops discovered two videos on the said man’s cellphone focusing on her skirt. “What’s really aggravating was he intended to send what he recorded to his chat mates.”

Bela narrated that she started to feel uneasy when another passenger named Nino Lingad seating beside the offender motioned her to cover her legs.

“I felt aghast at first because I knew that my bag and coat were over my skirt,” she posted. “And I didn’t spread my legs either. Besides there is not much space left to do so.”

After a while, Lingad gave her his own cellphone to explain the situation without being noticed by the offender. Realizing the scenario, she signaled Nino to block the suspect’s way before going down the vehicle.

The victim was thankful because with the help of Lingad and other passengers, she was able to bravely confront and report the offender.

“People asked me why I’m wearing a skirt but for their information, it is our uniform,” she added. “People will disrespect you, whatever you’re wearing, if they want to.”

Attached on the post is a video of the man begging for pardon but Bela said that he won’t let that incident slip away. In addition, she reminded other women to be aware and take courage to report harassment.

Recently, Senate Bill 1326 or the Safe Streets and Public Places Act of 2017 was filed by Senator Risa Hontiveros in response to the growing number of gender-based harassment such as PUV related incident where Bela’s case falls.

The bill’s penal provisions extend to severe violation which could garner imprisonment from one to six months and a fine of Php10,000.


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